Our Story

Game-changing Tech for Flawless Floors

The Origin of Narwal

While having dinner with his family, our founder, Junbin, confided that he had hit some roadblocks with his robotics projects. When the dinner was almost over, suddenly Junbin's father looked down on the floor and unconsciously mentioned how difficult it was to clean the sticky mess left from spilled wine and fallen crumbs. He wished that there were something better than traditional mops that could save him from spending hours cleaning the floors.

That was exactly the inspiration Junbin needed - he finally found an idea that wasn't just innovative, but could actually make a real impact in people's daily lives.

And so, Narwal's story began.

Narwal Home

Our mission is to help people live freely and passionately

Repetitive and tedious tasks often reduce our quality of life and become sources of quarrels between family members.Narwal believes that new technologies and artificial intelligence can truly replace such tasks,free up time and energy and allow everyone to be freer and pursue what they love.

We advocate freedom and love

Narwal is a pioneering technology company and a lifestyle brand that advocates freedom and love.
As an intelligent innovation company, Narwal spans multiple fields such as SLAM, 3D perception, AI object recognition, robotic mechanism technology, and big data applications. We have made breakthroughs in multiple directions and has applied for more than 100 technological patents.

Narwal's Honors and Awards

The idea of "Narwal" originated from a family gathering of our founder. At that time, several of his robot research and development projects were not going well.