Returns and Replacements
What happens if my package gets lost?
Confirm whether other household members or neighbors signed for the package
Contact FedEx, UPS or USPS if it has not been delivered when expected.
Please contact Narwal support(support@narwal.com) within 3 days if you didn't receive the lost package.
Can I change the delivery address after the order has been shipped?
No, addresses cannot be changed after the order has been shipped. Please make sure you fill in the right shipping address before submitting the order.
Shipping Methods
Our shipping methods include Auspost, StarTrack and FBA.
How long does it take to ship?
Typically, it will take 1 business days to ship after receiving an order.
Will everything be in one package?
You will receive a shipping notification email once the order was shipped. Due to different shipping options used by different products, items in your order may be sent in different packages, so they may not be delivered at the same time.
How long will it take to get my order?
Your package will be sent as soon as possible after you place the order.
The delivery time will take approximately 3 - 7 days, depending on the shipping destination.
Deliveries might be delayed by unusual circumstances such as so-called "Acts of God", including floods, tornados, blizzards, swarms of locusts. As always, we will strive to get your Narwal to you as quickly as possible.
Returns and Replacements
What is the process for getting a replacement?
Please contact Narwal support for troubleshooting solutions via support@narwal.com, Narwal support will get back to you as soon as possible and guide you to get the rest process started.
How long does it take to receive my refund?
Refunds will be provided 2-3 days after receiving a returned product. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to Narwal support.
Do I need to keep the original box for returns and refunds?
Yes, all accessories and the original packaging are required for any returns and refunds. A penalty may be imposed if any accessories are missing.
What are the return and warranty policies?
We provide a 30-day Unconditional Return (for non-human damage) & a 1-year Limited Warranty to registered purchasers from our official websites and channels. After-sales support and service are handled directly by Narwal.
Which payment methods are supported?
Our website supports paying by credit card, Paypal, and Klarna installment payment.
Why am I being charged a handling fee?
If you are being charged a handling fee, it is likely you are using a credit card from a non-U.S/non-Canadian area. Please check your IP address and contact your bank for confirmation.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Narwal support team via chat, email, or phone.
Military and Veteran Discounts
We do offer discounts for veterans, educators, or medical professionals. If you’re looking for additional savings, please contact Narwal support at support@narwal.com.
Kindly note that these specific discounts cannot be used with other discounts offered through our official website.